Do you ne support to grow your business on social

Do you ne support to grow your business on social mia and reach new customers? Contact us now and together we will define the right strategy for your company/profession.2020 was a particularly difficult year from an economic point of view: physical shops and stores record a sharp drop in traffic and sales. Dictat by the ongoing measures to combat the health emergency. However. If on the one hand the sales and earnings of non-food shops have fallen.

On the other hand the saving capacity of italian

On the other hand the saving capacity of italian consumers has increas. Equal to 6% of gdp.It is latest database  therefore necessary to stop and reflect on what the strategic levers are to bring consumers into the physical store and visit the digital store . The data collect by google / kantar helps us . With a worldwide study on the increase in traffic and conversions following the improvement of customer experiences. Conduct in 38 countries on a sample of 33.500 consumers over 16 years of age who had made purchases online. April-may Online and offline: the main sales levers

The main reason why people choose to buy online is

The main reason why DD Leads  people choose to buy online is. Undoubtly. Convenience : browsing a website easily. Without any distance or time limit. Favors this type of business. As does the possibility of being able to receive. Without the ne to make no moving. The product comfortably at home.
However. As regards physical stores. The main lever for the choice is proximity to a shop . In this case “Convenience” also translates into the possibility of viewing the product and being able to take it home immiately.

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